Painting inspiration and tips to transform your kids bedroom

It can be a difficult task to choose a bedroom theme for your children that won’t be outgrown within a year or two. However, you still want to capture their imaginations and create a great space for them to enjoy.

The key is to walk that fine line and carefully plan out the paint colours you may want to use to create a room that can be easily adapted as they grow.

Pick a theme



The first step, and often most difficult, is selecting a cool kids bedroom theme. From your child’s favourite television show to their sports team or their favourite colour, it will all depend on their age.

For example, for a younger child you may want to opt for brighter colours and sometimes it’s a great idea to get their opinion as it can provide them with valuable experience and, after all, it is their bedroom.

If you’re not sure on the colour, you may want to order some sample pots to try out different shades.


Kids bedroom ideas for small spaces

If you’re working with a smaller space, keep it bright and airy by selecting white paint. If you want to add a bit of texture with an on-trend, no-shine finish opt for a matt emulsion with a slightly darker tone.

You can add colour to the room with bedding and accessories to keep the room playful, and if you invest in high-quality scrubbable matt emulsion, it will be more resilient to marks and they will never grow out of it!

Use grown-up colours

Lots of little girls love pink, but that doesn’t mean you need to go full unicorn. Selecting a pastel shade like Crown’s Pashmina Coloured Emulsion provides a sophisticated feel to the bedroom and can be highly versatile with accessories as they grow through different phases of their childhood.

Top trends for 2019


If your little girl wants to go with a unicorn theme, pastel shades are on-trend going into 2019 and opting to use lighter colours will add a contemporary twist without opting for ‘hot pink’.

The added benefit of pastel colours is that you can accessorise their bedroom as they get older without the need to redecorate, and if you would like to add a pattern, but do not want to wallpaper, add wall stickers which are cheaper, easier and quicker. Popular ideas include clouds, polka dots and triangles.


Top tips

If your child is going to be sleeping in the room straight away, you may want to opt for the Crown Aquaflow Breatheasy Satin range as it offers the best solution for painting kids bedrooms and nurseries with breatheasy technology and is 99% solvent-free. Plus you can pick up the solvent free primer and gloss for a complete room finish.

Ready to get started? Check out our huge range of sample pots to help you decide which colour you’d like to transform your child's bedroom with.